Brand Premium

eBook - How Smart Brands Make More Money

Erschienen am 30.06.2017, Auflage: 1/2017
31,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781137510389
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 1.58 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Why do consumers pay a premium price for a brand? Is it better quality, the look and feel, or is it the brand's social standing? Author Nigel Hollis believes the answer to all those questions is "yes." Yet the vast majority of brands today trade on past equity and transient buzz. And marketers focus on plan execution rather than creating meaningful differentiation rooted in the brand experience. This lack of meaning is creating a market full of commodities rather than products that instill loyalty. But loyalty (i.e., repeat business) is the key to long term success, and that requires focusing on meaningful differentiation: functional, emotional, or societal. Here, brand expert Nigel Hollis focuses on the four components of a meaningfully different brand: purpose, delivery, resonance, and difference.This unique model will be applied to two very different brand models: premium priced and value priced. The models will show readers how to amplify what their brand stands for across all the brand touch points including: findability, affordability, credibility, vitality, and extendibility. The book will include cases of global brands such as Dyson, Johnnie Walker, Geico, Volkswagen, and more.


Nigel Hollis is executive vice president and chief global analyst at Millward Brown. Nigel brings 30 years of research experience to bear on his understanding of how marketing communications can build and maintain brands. Nigel has worked with clients in many different industries and countries, and has been instrumental in developing some of Millward Brown's most successful research solutions. He has a popular brand blog called Straight Talk with Nigel Hollis. A four-time winner of WPP's Atticus Award. He lives in Vermont.


Foreword Acknowledgements Preface PART I: WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT? 1. How Marketing Adds Financial Value To A Business 2. How Brands Influence Purchase Decisions 3. What Makes Your Brand Meaningfully Different? 4. Linking Meaningful Difference To Financial Outcomes PART II: CREATING A MEANINGFULLY DIFFERENT BRAND 5. Clarity Of Purpose 6. Effective Delivery 7. Resonance 8. Differentiation 9. Defining A Meaningfully Different Experience PART III: AMPLIFYING A MEANINGFULLY DIFFERENT BRAND 10. Findability 11. Credibility 12. Vitality 13. Affordability At A Price Point 14. Extendability 15. Make The Most Of Your Brand

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